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Going Deeper

Going Deeper is available from the Online Response website.

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Wholes, Parts and the Objectivity of Knowledge

Ontology has frequently been understood as the theory of the ultimate classes of existents or entities and of characteristics of and structures that belong to all entities merely as such.1 Understood in this way acts of human cognition, for example, like all other events, obviously fall within the domain of...

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Utilitarianism and Phenomenology

Utilitarianism is a general tendency within ethical theory that may or may not incorporate a significant phenomenological element, depending on how its basic ideas are developed. At its center is the view that moral distinctions are to be defined in terms of the causal role of actions or character traits.

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Realism Sustained? Interpreting Husserl’s Progression Into Idealism

It is generally believed among those familiar with Husserl’s philosophy that in his earlier career he adopted a realist theory of knowledge, represented by his Logical Investigations, and that he later modified that realist theory in such a way that it became an idealist theory. The idea widely accepted was...

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Renewing the Christian Mind

In this wide-ranging collection of essential readings from Dr. Willard—including 15 previously unpublished chapters—we find wisdom, knowledge and truth for growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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Becoming Dallas Willard

Sponsored by the Dallas Willard Center for Spiritual Formation and authored by Gary Moon, this biography gives us an opportunity to discover the many influences that helped Dallas grow in faith and knowledge throughout his life.

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The Spirit of Our Politics

Michael Wear offers a new paradigm of political involvement rooted in the teachings of Jesus and drawing insights from Dallas Willard's approach to spiritual formation.

Read More is co-sponsored by the family of Dallas Willard, Dallas Willard Ministries, and FiveStone.